Faces, Edges & Vertices explained for 3D Shapes

Faces, Edges & Vertices explained

Explaining how to count the Faces, Edges & Vertices on 3D shapes.

Let's explain the terms for you so you get a better idea! Once you know the terms, it'll be much easier to count Faces, Edges and Vertices on any specific 3D shape.
If you're still unsure, just have a look at the 3D diagram which contains a Cube below and explains it more clearly. 

Faces, Edges & Vertices - The Face

Let's start with the "Face". A face is basically any surface that is flat. Take for example the top of a table or the front of a door. That's a flat surface.

Faces, Edges & Vertices - The Edge

Now let's explain the "Edge". The edge is basically the line that connects 2 faces together with each other. You would have a face on each end and a line connecting between.

Faces, Edges & Vertices - The Vertex

And finally the "Vertex". The vertex is the point or corner on a shape. This is where faces and edges come together and meet. That end becomes what you would call the vertex.

Have a look at this diagram below which shows the Faces, Edges & Vertices on the cube 3D shape

3D Cube with Faces, Edges & Vertices
As you can see from the diagram above, the cube contains:
  • 6 Square Faces
  • 12 Edges
  • 8 Vertices
Now that you know about Faces, Edges & Vertices on 3D Shapes, try our true and false Quiz game here!